
It is clear that much of sex-related multimedia stored in our project is of a 
very low quality, not meeting our requirements and needs. Often, it doesn't 
provide what we are looking for - high quality information.

I propose to start a project which would encourage, by a form of contest and 
rewards, high quality (that means technical quality, usefulness for education, 
aesthetic value etc...) multimedia which could be used in our projects. Such 
multimedia can easily replace current low quality content. Once we will have 
multimedia excellently covering something particular, we can easily reject 
anything else trying to cover the same. And nobody could blame us for hosting 
bad images anymore.

I understand that some people can say "we don't support porn" now. But this 
won't be porn but information! Our projects must cover also sex-related 
matters. We have to look for high quality multimedia for this area of knowledge 
as well as for others. There are projects supporting taking photographs of 
municipalities etc... Why not to use similar ways for improving this?

I don't propose intentionally how such a project should decide what exactly the 
multimedia in the contest should depict nor how exactly the contest should be 
arranged. I feel this should be defined by a broader community. I only propose 
to use a new internet domain for this purpose in order to keep not yet chosen 
materials out of our projects until they are awarded.

Don't forget that sex-related articles are the most viewed ones in Wikipedia. 
We need the high quality content in this field too, not to wait until somebody 
uploads something which could be useful. Also a license and personal rights are 
quite often an issue for sex-related multimedia. All this can be solved and we 
could obtain the best sex-related multimedia among all encyclopedias.

Best regards,

> On Wed, Jan 13, 2010 at 8:59 PM, David Goodman <dgoodma...@gmail.com> wrote:
> <snip>
> > As for the link, showing these in greatly enlarged  versions, without
> > the context of the articles in which they are used, is setting up a
> > strong bias. We've never engaged in that use of the material, nor
> > would we. If people want to take our material out of our encyclopedic
> > content and turn it into sexually-focused presentations, that is their
> > look-out.
> What if they aren't used in an encyclopedic context?
> PM says he highlighted 17 images [1].
> Assuming Commons "Global File Links" is accurate then these images
> appear on 27 content pages in Wikipedias and Wikibooks (not counting
> User and Talk pages, etc.).  However, two of the images account for 16
> of the uses, and 10 of the 17 images are not used on any project at
> all.  This is of course a largely anecdotal sample (and there is no
> reason to assume that PM's set is random), but my personal impression
> has been similar.  It seems to like we have seen a rise in unused
> sexual imagery being stored at Commons.
> I'll happily defend the usefulness of sexual imagery in many of the
> places where it is used, but there are downsides to allowing such
> collections grow far beyond the applications we have for them.
> -Robert Rohde
> [1] 
> http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/User:Privatemusings/ImagesUsedInVideoPresentation
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