On 31 March 2010 01:12, Andrew Garrett <agarr...@wikimedia.org> wrote:
> On Wed, Mar 31, 2010 at 9:51 AM, Gerard Meijssen
> <gerard.meijs...@gmail.com> wrote:
>> Hoi,
>> The easiest way to deal with such issues is use a decent mail client. I use
>> Gmail and it ensures that all the threads are together and in order. It
>> hides all the copies of old replies and given the copious amount of storage
>> it is no problem that all the crap is still there.
>> When you argue that this is not best practice, my question to you is, when
>> has your best practice been re-evaluated for the last time.. Does it
>> consider the improved functionality that is there for you to have ?
> We don't all use gmail. And if you're relying on people's mail clients
> hiding the original text, why don't you just remove it so that it goes
> away for everyone?

Indeed, posting on a mailinglist is all about respect for the other
clients.  And boosting your own client as superior and thus not
needing to bother with etiquette seems a bit... ignorant or arrogant.
I can understand people not being aware of the problem, but ignoring
it?  That's worse to me.

I use gmail, and treat my recipents all equal; none of them get
topposts, as it distrubs the way you read things.

A: Because it ruins the way people read.
Q: Why is topposting bad?

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