On Thu, Apr 29, 2010 at 9:49 PM, Samuel Klein <meta...@gmail.com> wrote:
> But just as we don't support multiple wiki platforms or mailman
> itself, we aren't generally a project host. Have you talked to the FSF
> about hosting such a service, considering your FOSS focus?

Over the years, I've seen two general approaches to trying to launch
a new Wikimedia site. The first is trying to come up with a *new* idea
for a wiki. They start discussion on here or meta and typically it dies
out because people lose interest in trying to flesh out a new project.
The second approach that I've seen used is trying to get the Foundation
to "adopt" some existing project. This also tends to fail as people get
caught up over specifics (licensing, etc) and then lose interest. Or
it gets said that Wikimedia is not a "host*" for projects.

I'm curious to know, how does one start a new project in Wikimedia


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