Andre Engels wrote:
> On Sat, Jun 26, 2010 at 2:07 AM, Jeffrey Peters
> <> wrote:
>> Thank you for clarifying. I put forth another email based on the expectation
>> of the point you just made (so, thus, I am sorry for assuming you were
>> speaking against the law and not in support of the license itself).
> We can only go with the information we have. And the information in
> this case was the actual letter. That letter _nowhere_ specifies what
> law they are fighting for or against. Instead, it says that they are
> fighting against groups that "promote Copyleft in order to undermine
> our Copyright." When _I_ read that, I get the impression that they are
> fighting against copyleft. Clearly, others have understood the same
> thing. Apparently to you the combination of having that understanding
> and being in favor of copyleft is enough for you to attack people and
> flame them to death. I find that worrysome.

What none of the internet service providers want is a strong enforcement 
of copyright applied to the activities of their users. These companies 
profit directly from the activities of their thieving users. Much of 
their user activity (80-90%) and the visits to the site, clusters around 
copyright material. Discourage the uploading of copyright material by a 
3 strikes policy or direct legal action against file sharers, and a 
large part of their income disappears.

When service providers are lobbying to promote copyleft they are doing 
so in order muddy the copyright waters. The amount of copyleft material 
in the music world is, with the exception of promotional material, 
almost zero. When service providers start promoting free licenses to 
legislators they are doing so in order to undermine copyright within the 
online world.

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