Tomasz Ganicz, 15/07/2010 10:11:
> Just about the scholarship. As far as I know there were two
> scholarships - one provided by WMF and the one combined, provided by
> Polish and Russian chapters. The WMF scholarship committee was quite
> international, and at least what I heard from one Polish Wikipedian,
> who was a member of that committee there were clear and resonable
> conditions of choosing the best candidates.

I think that nobody doubts about it.
Still, I know some people who were not granted the scholarship and 
didn't actually understand why (and don't complain about that).
Can the Scholarships review committee share the chosen criteria?
The review process can't be ideal due to the huge number of application 
(2500!!), and I suppose that editcounts or even user groups had to be 
used: it's completely fair, but I would like to know some details.
It could also be useful for future Wikimania organizers, if the process 
is currently not documented even in private wikis.

> In case of Polish-Russian scholarship we in fact accepted all
> candidates who applied and fullfiled basic requirements (language
> skills and proved commitement to Wikimedia projects). Polish-Russian
> scholarship was open to all, and except Russians and Polish
> Wikimedians several Ukrainians and one from Czech Republic took
> advatange of them.

That's interesting.


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