On Sun, Aug 8, 2010 at 9:04 AM, Aaron Adrignola
<aaron.adrign...@gmail.com> wrote:
> It is irritating to continually see stewards making local blocks at the
> English language Wikibooks with the comment "crosswiki abuse <! --globally
> locked[1]; about bot[2]-- >".

These local blocks are made when the account has been globally locked
by a steward (see http://meta.wikimedia.org/wiki/SH#lock ). There can
be no further undermining of local community autonomy, because the
local account is blocked with or without an explicit local block. The
local blocks are implemented automatically as a way for local
communities to know the user is blocked, since there is no other local
indication of the implicit block. (The bot scans for unreverted edits
on each wiki, so blocking them while it's there is no trouble.)

Would you prefer the bot explicitly ignore your wikis? I can modify it
to skip them, although local blocks will still be used when necessary
to globally suppress attacks names.

Yours cordially,
Jesse (Pathoschild)

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