On Wed, 11 Aug 2010 18:34:12 +0000, Abbas Mahmoud <abbas...@hotmail.com>
> Assess the following scenario:
> If say, i'm in country X planning to go to Israel. And, i go apply for
> Israeli visa; but since i'm working in say, Dubai, the Israeli embassy
> stamps my visa in a separate paper. I book my ticket to Haifa and go to
> airport. For me to board the airline, the airport authorities in my
> X need to scrutinise my documents at the immigration desk. Do you think
> that officer will let me through if the visa isn't stamped on my
> Doesn't he have the right to deny me passage on grounds that the visa
> hasn't been stamped on a bonafide document(i.e. The passport)? 

I am not sure about your scenario. If X does not recognize Israel
obviously you can not fly from X to Israel. If Emirates do recognize
Israel, you can fly from Dubai to Tel-Aviv (Haifa does not have the
airport) and back. Having two Emirates stamps and nothing in between is a
serious problem as far as X is concerned, and I believe it can only be
solved by losing a passport in Dubai prior to traveling to X.


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