Well I want to attend Wikimania in Israel, but in all likelihood might not
be able to even after not coming from the middle-east specifically. I like
many others travel frequently to UAE and Saudi Arabia(rarely), as important
as Wikimania might be the idea of not travelling there for work, family etc.
would be a big problem.

I like many others would need a visa, my country has good diplomatic
relations and a good standing with israel, but having that visa on my
passport regardless of the stamp might create a problem for future travel to
not just me but anyone else. This would affect not just me
but Europeans and Americans if they want to go to the say Dubai for example,
they might have trouble with the same issues.

I am also concerned about being harassed or questioned unnecessarily for
maybe previously travelling to these places as well.

I am interested in attend wikimania but the cost might be too much for me or
others like me.

On Thu, Aug 12, 2010 at 4:20 PM, Osama Khalid <osa...@gnu.org> wrote:

> On Thu, Aug 12, 2010 at 01:31:46PM +0300, Harel Cain wrote:
> > Actually, the United States in the last decade has a very strict
> > visa policy, I'm not so sure if some of the people Osama is
> > referring to could so easily get in - this remains to be seen.
> In Saudi Arabia it's pretty much about the time needed to get a visa
> from the US, but the United States is generally 'more welcoming' than
> Europe (e.g. they usually give multiple, three-year visa, AFAIK).
> --
> Osama Khalid
> English-to-Arabic translator and programmer.
> http://osamak.wordpress.com | http://tinyogg.com
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