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On 08/11/2010 17:37, Gerard Meijssen wrote:
>  I care more about realising our ambitions, I
> care about getting our message out. 

Personally, I care also about the means. I wouldn't like cupidity as the
core of wikipedia. Money, thus, should not become the fuel we use.

In my opinion we can improve our
> messaging a lot. When people say that the WMF is transparent, they are
> right. We fail however in having our message heard. When we hire new people,
> people like Alolita for instance, we hire someone who we should be proud
> of.  Proud that she wants to work with us.
> Many great activities are happening in our chapters. Learning about these
> activities is inspiring. When we know what fun can be had, we can learn from
> each other and reduce the amount of overhead and concentrate on where we
> make a difference.
> Another aspect that is missing in annual advertisement discussion is what we
> should do with the money.. Assuming that we make a huge amount of money, I
> have blogged about that as well.
> Thanks,
>       GerardM
> http://ultimategerardm.blogspot.com/2010/11/effect-of-100m-in-advertisement-money.html
> On 6 November 2010 22:20, Fred Bauder <fredb...@fairpoint.net> wrote:
>>> Hoi,
>>> As the "A" word has been mentioned again as is tradition,  I want us to
>>> talk
>>> instead about how we can advertise / market our strategy, I want us to
>>> discuss how this helps us to reach out. How we can realise the goals that
>>> we
>>> so beautifully formulated in our strategy..
>>> To start it off, I have blogged some of my sentiments.
>>> Thanks,
>>>      GerardM
>> http://ultimategerardm.blogspot.com/2010/11/annual-wikipedia-argument-about.html
>> Nice sentiments, but you don't address the question of why someone else
>> needs the potential advertising revenue more than we do. Google does many
>> good things, including providing substantial support to Wikipedia, but
>> what good does money in the pockets of their shareholders do us?
>> Fred
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