Steven Walling wrote:
> On Thu, May 19, 2011 at 10:51 AM, Theo10011 <> wrote:
>> Also, we need a page on Meta where any future requests could be placed and
>> voted on, the current logging page for central notice could eventually be
>> replaced with it.
> Just speaking for myself, I think voting to pre-approve every
> non-fundraising banner sounds like too much bureaucracy.
> I personally feel that what we need is a guideline and/or banner system that
> makes it crystal clear to anyone wanting to run a banner, describing in
> detail what is and isn't appropriate including examples. But requiring
> voting just to do anything makes me cringe, especially when there are
> several technical options for hiding banners.
> We should say what we want as a community, what we don't want, and then
> trust people to use good judgement. Just like anything else on a wiki, it's
> easy to take down a campaign the instant we don't want it, so if people
> don't use good judgement and ignore the guidelines then we can remove a
> banner, point to the guideline, and ask they discuss it further.

Yes, very well said.

I'd also say that it'd be very good for someone completely uninvolved in the
event/project/whatever that's requesting a banner to be the one to give the
go-ahead and approve the specific parameters (only on certain projects,
certain languages, etc.). People are very passionate about whatever they're
working on, so it often becomes easy to think that _everyone_ needs to be
informed about whatever it is. Having someone who is uninvolved assess the
request for reasonableness is a good way of ensuring some level of sanity.


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