On Thu, Jul 21, 2011 at 22:07, Thomas Morton
<morton.tho...@googlemail.com> wrote:
>> True.  But we don't need to use proprietary software for this.
> Why?
> Honest question; SE has sensible ideals and license their content well. Why
> add to the workload of our sysops and developers with another system to
> maintain and support....
> We do Wiki's really well. SE do Q&A extremely well... QED.
> I see companies make this mistake all the time; going down the "lets host
> everything ourselves" and ending up with inadequate services and support.

One can have both. Go with StackExchange for a while and see if it
works out. The content is all licensed under CC BY-SA so if the
StackExchange solution works well, we can always copy the good Q&As
into Help: on wikipedia or meta or wherever. If it works really well,
set up a local open source equivalent.

Basically use the StackExchange version as a test bed to see if
Wikimedia should a Q&A site of its own.

Tom Morris

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