> I fundamentally disagree.  If the content can be managed to be culturally
> sound, that is effective to disseminate globally.  If Islamic countries do
> not want to see images of Mohammed, that is effect in maintaining other
> content without blocking the site.  Same applies to other religious imagery,
> political imagery, sexual imagery, and whatever else.  The filter is for
> images, and while pictures are louder than words, we can at least have the
> words while maintaining cultural integrity.

The end game for this strategy of giving every (sub-) culture their own
subset of the images and/or text (when every medium agrees all at once),
and where everyone lives past each other is actually well known and well

Due to my knowing the historical context, I would actually prefer that
people were confronted by cultural differences and have a healthy
dialogue about them, to prevent or mitigate pillarization.

Then again, that's a deeply held cultural belief in the part of the
world that I live in, and you might not share it. ;-)

        Kim Bruning

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