On 11 November 2011 16:49, Klaus Graf <klausg...@googlemail.com> wrote:

> You didn't read my message. With all respect: PLEASE NOTE THAT THERE
> ARE NO SENSITIVE ISSUES IN THIS CASE which concerns the copyright
> status of modern German stamps. The office action was a clear mistake
> and it's not relevant how often office action werde made if WMF's
> counsel was clearly misleaded. Therefore there is, I repeat this, NO
> need that I or another German wikipedian contact the counsel. WMF has
> the duty publicly to discuss the case!
> Well, given that you've been repeatedly directed to the WMF staff members
who are able to answer your questions, you seem to be working awfully hard
at *not* asking the people you've been directed to.  Have you even made an
attempt to post to Geoff Brigham's MetaWiki talk page?   While I cannot
speak for the manner in which Geoff would respond to you, I don't think you
have grounds to complain that he is not responding to you directly and
publicly if you have not contacted him directly and publicly.  Here is a
link to his Meta talk page:

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