I sent this request already to some internal lists, but here there might
also be quite some volunteers who have a thought about thanking volunteers

It is almost the end of the year, and that is for me personally usually a
moment to thank some of the people I have worked with over the past twelve
months. That triggered me to try and figure out what methods are currently
being used in the Wikimedia universe to thank the real life volunteers.
Therefore I have set up this questionnaire. I have tried to make it
simple&quick to answer, but at the same time to leave plenty of opportunity
to leave suggestions.

Please find it here:
It should take you roughly 3-4 minutes to fill it out. I hope you are
willing to spend these minutes and help me (and others) understand better
what thanking in Wikimedia is all about.
 I am targeting both individuals and organizations with this. If you want
to seperate the two, just fill it out twice. Please focus on what *has been
done* so far, not what you're planning to do. I want to be able to make the
replies available publicly. For individuals without names etc of course,
for organizations I would like to be able to add the name of the
organization unless there is an objection. For the rest it is of course
totally informal and it is for sharing practices. I'm trying to figure out:
* How important you think thanking is * What are the best practices and the
coolest ideas * Whether physical or online methods are used primarily Thank
you for your help! Lodewijk

ps: oh yes, of course: you can share this with everybody you like. I hope
someone can send this to the chapters-l especially.
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