On Wed, Nov 23, 2011 at 14:47, Thomas Goldammer <tho...@googlemail.com>wrote:

> It could be possible that a Wikimedia chapter is chosen to organize a
> Wikimania, and they can then decide where to go (within their
> country). Of course, the local chapter is always involved in
> organizing it, anyway. So instead of a city bid one would have a
> responsible chapter bid. This of course means that the global
> community gives a huge amount of trust to that chapter that they look
> for a place with sufficient infrastructure, public transit/air
> connection and whatever is necessary... So, the jury would then only
> choose the chapter (and thus the country), instead of a city.
> What is absolutely not possible is just to say "city X will host
> Wikimania 20xx. Now all go and organize." So there needs to be some
> system of bids, I think.

I disagree. At some point, the jury has to compare the relative strengths
and weaknesses of each potential site. That comparison is difficult enough
between specific cities; it's downright impossible to compare all possible
venues in multiple different countries.

Jim Redmond
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