On Fri, Dec 23, 2011 at 4:37 PM, Federico Leva (Nemo)
<nemow...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Also, "Go Daddy No Longer Supports SOPA" (the title of their press
> release) implies they did before, doesn't it?


>We contacted GoDaddy for comment. A spokesman declined to comment on the 
>boycott specifically, but reiterated the firm's support for the legislation.

>Update (6:18 PM): GoDaddy seems unimpressed by the boycott so far. They made 
>the following statement to Ars Technica: "Go Daddy has received some emails 
>that appear to stem from the boycott prompt, but we have not seen any impact 
>to our business. We understand there are many differing opinions on the SOPA 

>Update (December 23): Barely 24 hours after the boycott started, GoDaddy now 
>says it has dropped its support for SOPA.



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