Hello all,

I’m really happy to announce that Fabrice Florin is joining the
Wikimedia Foundation as Product Manager for New Editor Engagement.

In this position, Fabrice will take the lead in articulating and
refining, in partnership with the community and the engineering team,
the requirements for some of our most important features: those which
will help us increase the engagement and retention of new contributors
to Wikimedia projects.

Fabrice has already been supporting us as a contractor on the Article
Feedback V5 project, and I’m really pleased that he’s joining us
full-time, starting next week.

Six years ago, Fabrice founded NewsTrust, a non-profit organization
dedicated to to helping people find quality journalism. As its
Executive Director, Fabrice built the organization and the product
from scratch, with a small team. NewsTrust is a fascinating community
in its own right, and Fabrice and I first met when we discussed what
lessons could be learned for Wikimedia’s own forays into
rating/assessment tools.

Before that, Fabrice had a long carreer in the tech and media
industry. He was VP of Online Entertainment at Macromedia, CEO of
Zenda,  Executive Producer at Apple, and President of Videowest. Read
more in his online bio: http://bit.ly/fab-bio

Fabrice is perhaps the first WMF staffer with an IMDB entry. He
directed the 1984 documentary “Hackers” which featured early tech
luminaries like Bill Atkinson, Lee Felsenstein, Richard Stallman and
Steve Wozniak.

Please join me in giving him a big welcome to the Wikimedia movement. :-)


Erik Möller
VP of Engineering and Product Development, Wikimedia Foundation

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