Hm, I think closing it is no option we should really consider. Maybe
we must try to share apart those who have understood the principles
and abide by them and those who don't and - well - remove sysop rights
of the latter group and encourage the first group to have the wiki
cleaned up and to enforce the basic principles... But, as I said,
someone trustworthy with language abilities will be needed.


> I see
> that today in all articles Russian Federation was again replaced with
> Chechnya as the state in the infobox. Which means, I am afraid, that the
> claim is serious. Indeed, I think we should be looking for people who are
> not ethnic Chechens but still speak the language to some extent. May be the
> Language Committee has better ideas. If we could not find any reasonable
> solution, may be one needs just to close down the project, because
> currently it seems to be just a POV website.

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