
This is very good, but downloading a video of 1.9 GB is totally out of
question here.
FYI, most Internet connection scheme in India give a maximum of 5 GB monthly.
So a smaller version would be much appreciated.



2012/2/6 Erik Moeller <e...@wikimedia.org>:
> Every month, there's a meeting at the Wikimedia Foundation offices
> (with remote call-in) where we review recent metrics and activities in
> the different departments for the previous month. Starting with the
> meeting covering January, which took place on February 2, we are now
> capturing these meetings on video.
> You can see the video capture for the most recent meeting here:
> http://commons.wikimedia.org/wiki/File:Monthly_Metrics_Meeting_February_2,_2012.theora.ogv
> Going forward, we will simply link to these videos from the monthly
> report and not announce it separately.
> Note that I've uploaded the highest resolution copy, which clocks in
> at 1.9G (this should allow you to see pretty well what's going on on
> the screen). This is inconvenient for streaming unless you have a very
> good connection, so I recommend downloading. In future, videos will be
> automatically transcoded to multiple resolutions, but if you'd like to
> make a lower resolution copy available for the interim, it's
> appreciated.
> Feel free to respond in this thread if you have any questions about
> the contents of the meeting. Generally the structure is as follows,
> interspersed with questions, discussion and lawyer jokes:
> * Erik, Garfield and Gayle walk through impact, finance and HR
> metrics, respectively
> * Department heads give updates about their respective areas
> * Sue closes with some final words, typically referring to recent
> events or organizational priorities
> All best,
> Erik
> --
> Erik Möller
> VP of Engineering and Product Development, Wikimedia Foundation

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