On Wed, Feb 8, 2012 at 2:10 AM, Leinonen Teemu <teemu.leino...@aalto.fi>wrote:

> Hello all,
> Has there been any attempt to start a Wikimedia project focusing on free
> 3D models?
> I think, right now it would be the right timing for it. The prices of 3D
> printers and other computer controlled machines are coming down [1] and
> there are growing network of FabLabs around the world providing access for
> public to design and fabricate their own objects.[2]
> I have contacts to the European Fablab folks and we probably could start
> with them a project on an Incubator.
> Best regards,
>        - Teemu

The most popular example of this kind of repository is Thingiverse,[1] run
by a small NY-based company that makes 3D printers. Most of the content
there is CC.


1. http://www.thingiverse.com/
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