On 9 February 2012 09:04,  <n...@thebabbages.com> wrote:

> I guess my concern is that it may encourage readers to type in suggestions 
> and take it no further rather than take the next step and begin editing 
> themselves.

At present, the average reader doesn't even fix typos.

> Definitely important to watch for any changes in the rate of new editors 
> contributing. It also implicitly makes it "someone else's problem" to fix 
> things compared to our current stock response of "if you see things that 
> could be better, fix it yourself. " I'm not saying this is intended but it 
> runs the risk of making projects look they have people exercising editorial 
> control.

If it's getting any increased reader participation in any way at all,
that's a big improvement over the present. Let's see how it works out.
(With numbers.)

- d.

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