Michael Peel, 30/03/2012 23:52:
On voting transparency: this is a great step forward. However, I would 
encourage the WMF to take a further step, and to explain why trustees voted 

+1 (as on the other topic). I hope this will done, at least for this particular resolution, in the Q&A.

This could potentially be done by (for examples) adding notes next to votes 
explaining reservations or key supporting factors, or by making resolutions 
more focused (e.g. the fundraising decision could have been split into four: 
principles, chapter payment processing, four chapters, and additional chapters, 
which would have provided more insight here).

I hope that if a trustee wants to vote separately/differently for each item or to formally express disagreement over a part of the resolution he's allowed to do so! The board would look like a very dysfunctional and anti-democratic body otherwise (unless there's a clear policy and process to reject such requests).


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