On Thu, December 1, 2005 13:03, Quim Gil wrote:
> En/na Baris Cicek ha escrit:
>> sure if it's okay to provide this information (although I don't see any
>>>reason why it wouldn't be okay). Is there any objection to this idea?
> I'm for showing the participation (% of members that have already voted)
> but not provisional results of the election.
> Showing the percentage of participation at any time may help increasing
> the percentage of vote at the end of the election, and it's a harmless
> data by itself.

I was of course not saying that we can show the current results, but
the participation rate. I think this is what Alan suggested too (or did
I read his mail too quickly?).

FWIW, I think this is a good idea (for the reason outlined by Quim).


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