El dc 31 de 05 del 2006 a les 20:38 +0100, en/na Bill Haneman va
> On Wed, 2006-05-31 at 19:25, Tristan Van Berkom wrote:
> > Nobody will be driven away by that, people might be driven away by
> > us stating that "you now are part of a community with a code of conduct".
> I don't agree.  Every community has a code of conduct, implied or
> explicit, IMO.  Anyhow, there's no real enforcement mechanism, so I
> don't see this as a realistic concern.

There is a big difference between implied or explicit. Implied allows
several personal lectures. Explicit allows only one lecture. 

In a project where "freedom" is a key pole of attraction I find really
risky to introduce an explicit Code of Conduct. As many have said, it
won't probably solve any existing problem and it will probably create
new ones.

> ANY change or statement with a "policy" feel carries the risk of
> alienating *somebody*, but that doesn't mean that embracing anarchy is
> better.

Do you think GNOME has been embracing anarchy all these years? I mean, I
came here for the freedom but I never found the anarchy.

There is a big difference between introducing a Code of Conduct in GNOME
or doing the same in, say, Ubuntu. The Ubuntu project introduced a Code
of Conduct in their earliest stages and it was quickly accepted and
assumed by the almost foundational community. Now it's an intrinsic part
of the Ubuntu project. 

But GNOME has lived many years without a Code of Conduct and it is
currently a well consolidated community. With problems, sure. But also
with mechanisms available to solve problems. Why not work on improving
the current mechanisms? Instead, introducing a Code of Conduct at this
stage might create division (as you see) instead of consensus, and
consensus is the solid foundation of any real change.  

> Members of a community rarely understand the
> aspects of their culture that cause others to be alienated or
> disinterested, even if they understand why they themselves feel included
> and motivated.

This very good sentence you have written about gender issues can be
equally applied to the matter of the Code of Conduct as well. You don't
know how alienating or disturbing a Code of Conduct can be until you
feel alienated or disturbed by one. 

For instance, have you thought that the sole concept of "Code of
Conduct" might be perceived as 'something normal' more probably in
countries/groups/individuals with an English background/influence? A
quick survey in my Latin/Mediterranean context shows that the main
impression is that a free software community with a written Code of
Conduct is almost a contradiction per se.

Nobody is wrong, nobody is right. This is how diversity works. 

I believe Codes of Conduct are more unifiers than diversifiers, and I
believe GNOME needs now more diversity than union. 

What keep us under a same umbrella is not a conduct but a principle
(free software) and an objective (a great desktop powered with amazing

Quim Gil /// http://desdeamericaconamor.org | http://guadec.org

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