
On 11/30/07, Bastian, Waldo <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > > o. What is your opinion on an examination that could carry the
> title:
> > >    "GNOME Mobile certified software developer exam"
> > >
> >
> > If the examination is offered by a third party, then I would say they
> > are violating the trademark guidelines :).
> > But if you suggest that GNOME via the Foundation could offer a
> > certification, I wouldn't like to see that, sadly certifications tend
> > to mean nothing with time due to people taking them "just to pass the
> > test". I think it would be more healthy to have easier ways for
> > contributors to show their work and prove how much they have given to
> > the project, hence showing their possible employer that they surely
> > rock.
> Although the company that I work for surely employs a few rock stars,
> more often a project team or company is just looking for someone who
> knows how to use GTK+ widgets (think bellcurve). I believe the objective
> here would be to make it easier for commercial companies to develop
> solutions based on GNOME and part of the problem that such companies
> face is finding developers that are familiar with the technology.
> Reducing that hurdle will help to make the technology more popular. I
> don't think the Foundation should offer certification itself but maybe
> it could work together with an existing institute on expanding its
> training offerings around Gnome technology. Just my 2 ct.

Interesting, I feel that anyway certifications tend to get worth
nothing when people start taking them "just to pass them", but still I
see your point of letting people not in GNOME but users of GNOME's
technology to prove they know that stuff.
Certification implemented as training could be a different matter, as
long as the real "juice" of the thing is the training.

I still don't think Foundation should get involved into saying place X
is an approbed training center, I fear that would go beyond its scope.

thanks for your comment,

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