<quote who="Baris Cicek">

> Some people also suggested expectnation[1] web service, which is backed by
> Edd Dumbill. Followers of Planet GNOME would remember his blog posts about
> it.

Much as I love Edd and his approach to the creation of expectnation, I think
it would be awkward for us to use non-Free software where Free software can
be used, particularly in such a public role (there are other cases for which
I would be willing to use non-Free software for GNOME-related stuff, so this
is not just wild ideological handwaving).

We could implement the software used for linux.conf.au over the last couple
of years, which includes paper submission, review and delegate registration,
and has been integrated with two different content mangement systems, so we
could continue using Drupal, or switch to Moin or possibly even Plone. That
would be a great way of supporting a Free Software ecosystem as well as
satisfying our needs. :-)

There are also various things we could do with Drupal, simple and sufficient
for our needs, that might be better than what we already have.

- Jeff

linux.conf.au 2008: Melbourne, Australia        http://lca2008.linux.org.au/
                W.O.R.K: Weekend Over, Resume the Killings.
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