Hi GNOME Foundation members,

I need your help defining GNOME projects you'd like to see happen if we had
grant money to fund them.

Brian Cameron has been encouraging us to apply for grant money for a while
and I think he's right - there are organizations out there willing to
sponsor good work in the nonprofit space - projects that are for the good of
the public.

Applying for grants is not easy. They require identifying appropriate
grants, writing a proposal, and then going back and forth with the grant
organization. The application process can take 6 weeks to 6 months, and
while it's impossible to predict success rate, it does seem like the best
average rate of any project I've talked to is about 1 in 3, so for every 3
proposals we submit, we might get one. (And that's a really, really good
success rate.)

In order to successfully apply, we need project ideas. For a successful
application we would need:

- A project idea. Why this project? Why is this really important?
- Urgency. Why now? Why is this idea important now? (The more urgently
needed, the better according to advice I've gotten.)
- Benefits. Who will benefit from this work? Most grant organizations are
nonprofits dedicated to improving the world for the public.
- Financial plan. We need to show how we'd spend the money from the grant.
How much money would it take to do this project? How would we spend the
- Resources needed. Why these people? Why did you pick these people to work
on this project? How are they qualified? Why are they the best to work on

So if you have project ideas, I'd love to hear them. Also, if you know of
organizations in your community that offer grants, I'd be happy to help you
approach them with a proposal. However, the first thing is identifying the
projects and then identifying the potential grant givers.

I'm looking forward to seeing your project proposals! I've started a wiki
page for ideas, http://live.gnome.org/Grants.


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