I would love to see more people running for the elections.  Do it!

Summary (75 words)

I am running for re-election for the board because I love GNOME, the
community, and free software.  I also believe that I can help make the
GNOME foundation and community successful.  I have done work with GNOME
accessibility and feel strongly that the community needs to further
outreach to meet the free desktop needs for all people, regardless of
income, location, gender, or level of ability.

I am affiliated with Sun Microsystems, Inc.


I have been a part of the GNOME community since January, 2001 and have
experience as a UNIX programmer and technical documentation writer for
over 17 years.  I have been the maintainer of GDM and have had the honor
of serving my first term on the board this past year.  I have regularly
attended GUADEC conferences since 2002.  My nickname on IRC is yippi.  I
live in Chicago in the United States.


I am highly motivated and have time to invest to make the Board
successful.  I have passion for working with the GNOME community, and
would like to further expand the ways I am involved.  I have a good
working relationship with many people in the community.

Aside from the day-to-day work of being on the board, I have had a
number of accomplishments in my past term:

* A significant amount of work to organize the first GNOME.Asia summit.
* I have been working closely with Stormy, the Foundation CEO, and have
  been acting as her manager.
* Have been responsible for getting the Foundation covered under
  D&O and General Liability insurance policies.
* Many tasks relating to the GNOME Marketing improvements over the
  past term.  I frequently highlight the humanitarian and
  accessibility aspects in marketing discussions since I think it is
  important to not lose focus on these aspects.
* Worked with the accessibility community to establish the weekly IRC
  meetings to improve communication between the a11y community and the
  larger GNOME community.

That said, I think that it takes more than one term for a person to
really become a productive member of the board.  It takes a fair bit of
time just to get one's head around what needs to be done.  Now that I
have more experience, I would like to expand my involvement and serve
as an officer in my next term, perhaps as secretary or treasurer.  I
believe that my experience serving the board in the past term will be
helpful in the next term.

Also, GNOME rocks.


Brian Cameron
foundation-list mailing list

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