On Thu, Jun 25, 2009 at 10:15 AM, Dave Neary <dne...@gnome.org> wrote:

> Hi,
> The way forward seems clear to me - the membership committee decides what
> counting method will be used, announces it, and we count the election
> according to that means. There doesn't need to be a crisis here.
Deciding on the correct method after the elections seems a bit off to me.  A
member who voted should know exactly how their vote is going to be counted
before the ballot is cast.  If different methods reach different conclusions
then that is a crisis because the membership committee would be free to
choose the one which fits their agenda the most (not that I feel there is an
agenda but the possibility leaves doubt on the validity of the results).

If in fact it is a bug in OpenSTV and not a disagreement on how votes should
be counted then that is an acceptable reason to move forward with certifying
the vote.

If it is a disagreement on how votes should be counted then the vote is
flawed and I propose we have a runoff between the candidates who were on one
list but not the other.

Going forward we must make sure to document the complete procedure used in
detail and make sure it doesn't fluctuate from election to election.  I do
suggest having test cases we can run through any software used to guarantee
results stay consistent from year to year.

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