
Answered a lot of emails and had a lot of discussions. As for things I
actually crossed off my todo list:

   - Updated CiviCRM requirements document with a few more process like the
   travel committee. Met with Dave Greenberg from CiviCRM. He gave me a lot of
   pointers on how to get started. I'll be working on getting CiviCRM set up
   for the GNOME Foundation over the next couple of weeks.
   - Sent out email about the GNOME Foundation changing advisory board
the support of the advisory board.
   - Spoke to the Northern Colorado Linux User Group <http://nclug.org/>.
   Gave my "Would you do it again for free?" talk and had a very interesting
   and involved discussion. Someone from the first team I ever worked on at HP
   held up a "I heart ObAM" sign. ObAM is the user interface programming
   interface for HPUX tools. It sat on top of Motif when I first joined the
   team. (I actually had to read the sign twice to see that it said ObAM and
   not Obama which is a sign of how my world of acronyms and names has
   - Did all my expense reports for the last three trips. (I can't believe
   people griped about the semi-automated HP/Amex system. I personally would
   love to have it now.)
   - Attended GNOME Board of Directors meeting.
   - Worked with Rosanna to invoice a couple of advisory board members,
   including one that is funding a new  program.
   - Had a meeting with Rosanna over IRC. Trying to help balance out her
   workload. (I've created a lot more work. Since I've joined we've had a lot
   more events, invoicing, new programs, more Friends of GNOME, etc.)
   - Had a great GNOME Advisory Board meeting about events and copyright
   assignments. The copyright assignment discussion in particular was very
   - Published November Friends of GNOME

Focus for this week:

   - My goals. Finishing a draft we can share so everyone can comment.
   - CiviCRM. Getting it set up. Starting first with Board of Advisors
   information and then Friends of GNOME.
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