On Fri, Feb 12, 2010 at 8:08 PM, Paul Cutler <pcut...@gnome.org> wrote:
> If you are interested in joining the team, please join the 
> gnome-infrastructure mailing list[3]
> and introduce yourself, why you want to join and any relevant skills or
> experience you have.  It is helpful if you have been active in other
> GNOME teams and can have someone vouch for you. (We are talking about
> giving you root access to GNOME servers, after all!)

I'm interested in lending a hand on the team. I've been lurking on the
list and IRC (Zelut) for some time now, and I generally have quite a
bit of time to put toward projects. I'm always looking for new things
to learn and new challenges to push me.

Some of my relevant experience includes:

  * RHCE, RHCX/I (Engineer, Examiner / Instructor)
  * Previously a Linux Instructor (primarily Red Hat)
  * Long-time Ubuntu contributor (author of
http://ubuntu-tutorials.com, founder/lead of Ubuntu Utah Loco, Ubuntu
  * Currently full-time SA contractor for the US Dept. of Defense.
Primarily Red Hat / CentOS, with a little Debian & FreeBSD
  * Experience with xen, puppet, cobbler, nagios, and most common
services (dns, mail, etc, etc.)

Even if I can start out with just simple tasks, I'm interested in
helping where I can toward a really stable infrastructure for GNOME.


Christer Edwards
.: http://ubuntu-tutorials.com :.
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