On 3/5/10 9:19 AM, "Jonathon Jongsma" <jonat...@quotidian.org> wrote:
> With all of the recent comments about how horrible foundation-list has
> and how people are unsubscribing because of endless and
> argumentation, you *still* can't get yourself to refrain from
adding more and
> more heat to the thread???  Can you please stop now?

Jonathon, if you find discussion of points that have been raised so
disturbing--and that's all I'm doing here--I'm not sure what to tell you.

Perhaps it would have been better if someone from the Board had responded to
the initial message from Mr. Stallman with regard to Facebook, saying

1) Attempting to rework or redefine GNOME 3 plans at this point, now that
they're pretty well set, is not reasonable on this list, especially since
there were no such criticisms raised while the process of defining GNOME 3
was actually going on.

2) Spreading what amounts to unfounded rumors regarding third-parties, even
if they happen to produce proprietary software, is not acceptable on this

Much of the subsequent discussion could have been completely avoided. I
certainly wouldn't have had anything to say at that point.

For my part, I don't think that demanding that discussion be stopped,
especially when directed to a single person out of many on the thread, is
particularly productive. Or respectful, for that matter, but I've come to
understand that "respect" is a pretty elastic commodity around here.

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