The meeting minutes for the April 15th GNOME Foundation board meeting
is now published.  Refer here:


Other past board meetings are archived here:


-- text of the latest minutes follows --

Minutes for Meeting of April 15th, 2010

Next Meeting

    * April 29th, 2010


    * Brian Cameron
    * Diego Escalante
    * Germán Póo-Caamaño
    * Paul Cutler
    * Srinivasa Ragavan
    * Stormy Peters
    * Vincent Untz


    * Rosanna Yuen
    * Jorge Castro


Recurring Items

    * Review past action items.
    * Did each person with action items send their status reports to
      the board list before the meeting?
    * Approve and make sure that minutes of last meeting were published
      to foundation-announce and foundation-list.
    * Make sure to start up the gobby server for better note taking.
    * Update website.

New Items

    * Stormy's status report
          o Still working on it.

          o The GNOME Foundation is talking with about a
            possible partnership.

    * Transfer of the domain to the GNOME Foundation - status
          o Hope to have progress by next week.
          o ACTION: Germán is tracking the transfer of the
            domain to the GNOME Foundation.

    * Making the bid for GUADEC public
          o ACTION: Germán will do the needful to make the bid for
            GUADEC public.

    * Accessibility contract from Andalucia
          o ACTION: Germain - Regarding the Accessibility contract from
            Adalucia, Check if Emergy and/or Yaco can attend at least
            one day at Zaragoza. If not possible, Stormy may have a
            meeting with them in Seville.

    * Health insurance for Foundation employees
          o Right now the GNOME Foundation does not need health
            insurance since all employees currently have it via other
            options, but this is something we will need to consider in
            the future if and when the GNOME Foundation has employees
            with a need.

    * Request from Loja Geek Depto Comercial to sell GNOME branded
      projects in Brazil - status
          o ACTION - Diego will follow up with Loja Geek Depto
            Comercial and let them know we do not do exclusive

    * Friends of GNOME - sysadmin announcement update
          o The GNOME Foundation is forming a hiring committee (3
          o The GNOME Foundation will announce the job position soon,
            and the interview process should take place not long

    * Annual Report
          o The Annual Report is in progress, though a bit behind.
          o The Annual Report will be ready before GUADEC.
          o ACTION: Paul will provide the board update in a week to the
            Board with a list of articles and percentage completed for
            the Annual Report.

    * Nokia arrangement and plans to coordinate with consulting firms.
          o ACTION - Stormy - there is activity and discussion about
            the Nokia consulting arrangement on the mobile list, and
            this needs to be reworked into a more formal proposal.

    * Co-located GNOME.Asia/COSCUP event in Taiwan
          o The board thinks a co-located GNOME.Asia/COSCUP event is a
            good idea, but needs to see a more detailed budget to make
            more concrete decisions.
          o ACTION - Brian will track progress of GNOME.Asia event

    * "Co-locating in 2011"
          o ACTION - Srini will follow up with potential sponsors for
            the co-located summit in 2011.
    * FOSS Nigeria in Kano, Nigeria (April 23-25)
          o ACTION - Stormy will send an email to the FOSS Nigeria
            organizers and let them know that the GNOME Foundation will
            likely not send anyone.
          o ACTION - Brian will send an email to the foundation-list
            and let people know about the fact that the GNOME
            Foundation is not likely going to be represented at this

    * Brazilian events request from Jonh Wendell
          o ACTION - Brian will follow up with Jonh Wendell about the
            budget for events in Brazil.

    * Much thanks Joe "Zonker" Brockmeier and Ubuntu volunteers for
      agreeing to help organize the GNOME booth at the Texas Linux

Completed Actions

    * Brian - To review the proposals for the TI Zoom2 project and
      start discussion with the board to make a decision.
          o Zack Frey will receive the immediately available unit, and
            Marcus Bauer will receive the unit that Steve Sakoman is
            currently using, which he should be done with in a week or
    * Brian - The minutes for 8 board meetings from 2004 to 2009 were
      never published. Brian will publish these minutes.
    * Brian - Send an email to the foundation-list and let people know
      about the fact that the GNOME Foundation is not likely going to
      be represented at this event. This new action item was completed
      shortly after the meeting.
    * Brian - Follow up with Jonh Wendell about the budget for events
      in Brazil. This new action item was completed shortly after the
    * Vincent & Germán - To set up a meeting to plan for upcoming
      events in Africa and ensure that Ben Konrath and Alberto Ruiz can
      attend. Only Ben attended the meeting since Alberto notified the
      board that he can no longer represent GNOME at the upcoming
      events in Africa.

Status of Action Items

    * Brian - Get information about what should be in an "Employee
      Handbook". Draft approved by board. Now under review by the GNOME
      legal team.
    * Brian - Develop trademark usage forms for common use cases. James
      Vasile from legal is working with Brian on this.
    * Diego - Taken over from Stormy. Will work with Gil Forcada from and gnome-marketing to define the best way for
      organizations like to participate in the GNOME
      community. Not many replies from the community. Diego will draft
      something more concrete for gnome-marketing and ask for comments.
    * Diego - Will lead the board member review process: pick a date,
      send reminders and coordinate with Stormy the missing members
    * Diego - Will help Stormy to organize the Zaragoza event.
    * Diego - Will organize a press release for giving $60 to OSUOSL.
    * Jorge - Will work with Ubuntu volunteers to find people to run
      the Texas Linux Fest booth.
    * Jorge - Will send an email seeking hackfest sponsorships from the
      advisory board.
    * Jorge - Taken over from Lucas - Work to ensure that Foundation
      members sign the GNOME Code of Conduct, and make it a requirement
      that new Foundation members need to sign this. Lucas completed a
      draft currently under review, tarted discussion on foundation
      list, got a lot comments and feedback, and summarized the
      discussion points. The board seems to be still interested in
      proposing Code of Conduct as an official guideline for Foundation
      members as a way have a more clear message about the values of
      the GNOME community.
    * Jorge - Check records of organizations with existing contracts to
      use the GNOME trademark. Taken over from Vincent. Look at the
      archives in 2005 and try to determine which companies can use the
      GNOME trademark. Know what kind of contracts we had with them.
    * Paul - Will send an email to the foundation-list and the gnucash
      list seeking someone to take over the GnuCash automation. Taken
      over from Behdad.
    * Paul - When we reach the Friends of GNOME goal, put a thank you
      banner up there instead. Save the ruler for the next set of
      goals. Next time we should consider counting badges, or number of
      subscribers so it is not always just measuring money.
    * Paul/Germán - Automate the process of entering PayPal information
      into GnuCash. Taken over from Behdad.
    * Rosanna - Research the GNOME Guidestar website and update if
      necessary. Rosanna sent an update about the status of Guidestar,
      but work is still needed. Need to find someone to keep the
      website up-to-date.
    * Rosanna - Will check who received the 2008 Annual Report and send
      an email to board-list letting everybody know who received them.
    * Rosanna - Will pay $60 to OSUOSL.
    * Stormy - To schedule a meeting with companies that do consulting
      work with GNOME to start discussions on how we can help (how can
      we work together). Sent email. Got a couple of positive
      responses. Will follow up with others and schedule a meeting.
    * Stormy - To follow up with the Advisory Board about acquiring a
      second machine. Email sent, but no response yet.
    * Stormy - Set up a Euro bank account.
    * Stormy - To confirm having the advisory board meeting on the
      Tuesday before the conference with the advisory board and confirm.
    * Vincent - Update the blog and planet to highlight that people are
      expected to sign and follow the GNOME Code of Conduct. Waiting
      for Jorge's action on Code of Conduct.
    * Vincent - Follow-up with Intel to determine what to do about
      copyright assignment for clutter. Waiting for an official update
      from Intel. Ongoing
    * Vincent - Follow up with Michael Meeks and Bradley Kuhn to see if
      there is an interest in defining a policy the release team can
      follow to know whether a project with a copyright assignment
      requirement can be accepted or not. What sorts of copyright
      assignments are acceptable? Status: Bradley is working on an
      updated draft.
    * Vincent - Create a Philosophy page on the GNOME Wiki.
    * Vincent - Announce that the new Code of Conduct is approved
    * Vincent - Will ping Bradley Kuhn to see if he can lead the team
      to interview sysadmin candidates.

New Action Items

    * Brian - Will track progress of GNOME.Asia event organization.
    * Diego - Will follow up with Loja Geek Depto Comercial and let
      them know we do not do exclusive arrangements.
    * Germán - Tracking the transfer of the domain to the
      GNOME Foundation.
    * Germán - Will do the needful to make the bid for GUADEC public.
    * Germán - Regarding the Accessibility contract from Adalucia,
      Check if Emergy and/or Yaco can attend at least one day at
      Zaragoza. If not possible, Stormy may have a meeting with them
      in Seville.
    * Paul will provide the board update in a week to the Board with a
      list of articles and percentage completed for the Annual Report.
    * Srini - Follow up with potential sponsors for the co-located
      summit in 2011.
    * Stormy - there is activity and discussion about the Nokia
      consulting arrangement on the mobile list, and this needs to be
      reworked into a more formal proposal.
    * Stormy - Send an email to the FOSS Nigeria organizers and let
      them know that the GNOME Foundation will likely not send anyone.

Discussed on the Mailing List

    * The GNOME Foundation is talking to about possible
    * Trading emails with the DKUUG (Danish UNIX systems User Group) to
      request them the transfer of domain to GNOME
    * Alberto Ruiz notified the board that he can no longer represent
      GNOME at FOSS Nigeria in Kano, Nigeria (April 23-25). Now looking
      for someone else who can go.
    * Discussion with the GNOME.Asia organizers. They are considering
      to co-locate the 2010 conference with COSCUP (Conference for Open
      Source Coders, Users and Promoters) in Taiwan.
    * Discussion about travel costs for the upcoming Marketing hackfest
      in Zaragoza.
    * The board received a request to sell GNOME branded projects in
      Brazil from Loja Geek Depto Comercial and the board is preparing
      a response.
    * Discussion about the applications for developers wanting access
      to the GNOME Foundation Texas Instruments Zoom2 device. Zack Frey
      will receive the immediately available unit, and Marcus Bauer
      will receive the unit that Steve Sakoman is currently using,
      which he should be done with in a week or two.
    * Jonh Wendell is trading emails with the board to find a way for
      Brazilian people to be able to donate money via "Boletos". In
      Brazil this is the most popular way to pay bills.
    * Preparation of the board quarterly report.
    * The process for Stormy's bi-annual performance review (September
      2009 through March 2010) has started, and waiting for Stormy to
      provide a report of the work she did in this time period.
    * Diego prepared a draft proposal on how to create a program where
      organizations can join a link-exchange and cross-promotion
      program, so that organizations like have a more visible
      way to participate in the GNOME community.
    * Diego launched the board review process. Brian, Diego, Sri, and
      Germán provided their feedback. Waiting on Jorge, Paul and
      Vincent to provide feedback.
    * Researching pricing for printing new Friends of GNOME t-shirts.
    * Discussion about making final improvements to the GNOME Speaker
    * The board approved paying a $100 registration fee for the Texas
      Linux Fest.
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