On Tue, Jun 1, 2010 at 5:37 PM, Johannes Schmid <j...@jsschmid.de> wrote:

> Hi!
> >  I will just be frank here...
> > • Translation shifting from upstream to downstream ?
> > • Development infrastructure limiting upstream contribution.
> > • Canonical's Unity development, what does it mean for GNOME ?
> > • Red Hat's control over GNOME Shell ?
> > • Meego being a competition or a GNOME sister project ?
> > • Smaller companies involvement into GNOME decisions
> > • How much of GNOME is community driven and how much is company driven
> > • Is the GNOME community forced to assimilate with decisions made by
> > those companies?
> > • More...
> OK, you were asked to list them. Anyway, why do you think there are
> true?
> * From my point of view as part of the gtp coordination team I think
> translations are not shifting downstream, we rather solved most of these
> problems and have high-quality upstream translations.

AFAIK there  are quite a few standing issues with GNOME arabic support.


These are slightly out of date though.

* Why do you think our infrastructure is limiting?

The development happening on Launchpad (not bazaar) really beats what GNOME
provides in several aspects, starting bug management, blueprinting and
linking with branches. There are a lot of nice projects there that are not
part of GNOME because of the GNOME Infrastructure: GNOME Do, Docky, Getting
Things GNOME... These projects are in their own rights very successful and
used by the community. And by allowing them to deploy per default with GNOME
would just benefit the GNOME community...
The Project leads don't care since they are being deployed downstream now
which is more or less skipping the middle man which is GNOME, who seem to be
conservative in some of these aspects.
I am not saying we should switch to Lauchpad or so. But we need to study and
make an effort into compromising. Having major projects work downstream will
kill GNOME, and pointing fingers will not help.

> * For the company statements IMHO despite I don't know anything about
> the Unity plans I think those arent' true. Could you explain?
I am not saying its true but sooner or later RH will want to deploy GNOME
Shell on the netbooks just like Unity will at some point put an eye on the
desktop... Its naive to asssume both will not try to assume positions in the
netbook and desktop market...

> Thanks,
> Johannes

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