
Those are very good questions. See my reply in lines.

2010/6/2 Vincent Untz <>

> Hi,
> I originally wanted to have some questions included in the list of
> questions sent by the membership committee, but I feel like waiting for
> Friday while the voting period is already opened is waiting a long time
> and I'm not being patient here :-)
> I apologize because some of those questions are most likely a bit easier
> to answer for people who are already on the board...
> 1) I've read with interest the mails from the candidates announcing
>   they're running, and most (if not all -- I didn't double-check)
>   include some motivations with examples of what they'd be interested
>   in working on.
>   Why are those tasks/ideas things you cannot work on while not being
>   on the board?

 I will continue doing what I am doing now to contribute to GNOME, continue
grow the GNOME in Asian countries and local Beijing GNOME Users Group, even
I am not in the board.

Join the board means more responsibility and higher view of how to run the
GNOME Foundation. Spread the latest news to my areas as well as provide
feedback to board at the first time.

> 2) What are your non-usual (ie, not code, not translations, not
>   documentation, etc.) contributions as a GNOME Foundation member?
>   (organizing events, pushing people to do things, finding sponsors,
>   etc. are all possible answers)

- Bring the GNOME to Asia. Start to build GNOME.Asia Summit, from Beijing to
HoChiMinh, this year go to Taiwan.

- Build local GNOME community, like Beijing GNOME Users Group.

- Encourage students to work on GNOME projects under Gsoc

- Find sponsors for GNOME.Asia

> 3) What is your opinion on the co-location of Akademy and GUADEC in
>   2011? And if you think it was not the best choice, will you still be
>   able to help it happen?

>From the event organizing perspective, that's good to share the sponsors and
cost, get all the people with the same interests together.
Form the project and platform's perspective,  that's helpful for both KDE
and GNOME's future road map.

> 4) How much free time per week do you think you will be able to allocate
>   for the board? (I'm very well aware that this could be 0 for some
>   weeks, and 100% of your time for other weeks; I'm just asking in
>   general)

I can work 20% of the working hour with my manager's support. Also, I can
use my spare time if needed.

Currently, I work 10 hours on GNOME.Asia and Beijing GNOME Users Group each
week.  I can expect that I will spend more time if was able to join the

> 5) Are you okay giving up some of your current GNOME
>   responsabilities/activities to join the board? (give up a maintainer
>   hat, or hack less, or participate less in a specific team) Or do you
>   think it won't be necessary and why?
>   (I know it's a bit related to the previous question :-))

 I don't know if I will give up some responsibilities, but I am sure I will
give up some of my spare time.

> 6) Will you be interested in being treasurer, president or secretary if
>   elected? If yes, which role and why?

I am OK with any role which is needed.

> 7) What do you think of the current GNOME Foundation budget? Had you
>   read it at least once before reading this mail?
>   (it's okay if you didn't look at it before, btw)

Yes,  I read it several times. I think It is very transparent and well
documented. I like the way to run the Foundation.

> 8) What do you think our next fundraising campaign should be about?
>   (I'd love to not read 11 times the same answer, thanks :-))

I am thinking about "GNOME store". I am planning to bring GNOME store in
Asian countries. We can start from China, put GNOME store on line and on the
third party online shopping website like Taobao, ebay etc.

I am currently still thinking about the detail of implement this idea.

> 9) Will you be at GUADEC this year? (there's a board meeting and an
>   advisory board meeting there)

Yes, I plan to go GUADEC.  Plus I have submit a talk in GUADEC.

> 10) Make or break question: what's your favorite french expression?

 Ha, I need Google translate's help to answer this question:


> Thanks,
> Vincent
> --
> Les gens heureux ne sont pas pressés.
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