On 6/25/10 8:30 AM, "Patryk Zawadzki" <pat...@pld-linux.org> wrote:
> I bet
> at least one person in the audience is offended when they see the
> presenter using a Mac. Or sporting a Windows t-shirt. Or using an
> iPod. Or mentioning that Apple did something better than GNOME.
> "Security, seize and escort the speaker out of the building." :)

By the way: I would certainly recommend that anyone who's offended by a
presenter using a Mac, wearing a Windows t-shirt, or both at the same time,
to take their concerns directly and immediately to the Board of Directors.

I would suggest that the Board of Directors tell them to "Get a grip."

Is it _that_ difficult to distinguish between the sort of offense that
someone like Celeste Lyn Paul, a KDE board member, expressed when she wrote
( http://identi.ca/notice/6304540)...

"Do men really think RMSs virgin joke at #gcds was not sexist? Very
disappointed in FLOSS comm chatter about this."

...on the one hand, and the "offense" that someone who feels a speaker is
not being "pure" enough, or something, by using a "non-free-software-
movement-approved" piece of hardware, or wearing a t-shirt bearing the logo
of a "non-free-software-movement-approved" company, on the other? Do you see
no distinction between the two, Patryk?

(I am, admittedly, making the assumption that the reason your "at least one
person" is taking offense is because the "free software movement" has a deep
dislike, at the very least, for both Apple and Microsoft. Correct me if
they're taking offense on color choices, style/industrial design or some
other score.)

As I recall, there was no shortage at all of MacBooks in the _audience_ at
GCDS, and that's been pretty typical. There were plenty at FOSDEM as well.

Do you think someone would be reasonable for your "at least one person" to
"take offense" at the members of the community who happen to like Macs? What
do you think he-or-she should do about this?

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