
>> >> Based on the Orca (or even a more general a11y) roadmap, it may be
>> >> possible to get some funding from companies or associations
>> interested
>> >> in seeing Orca get better (although a lot of the associations seem to
>> be
>> >> focussing more on NVDA because it works on Windows).
>> >
>> > Just thought I'd chime in here. I spent a bit of time searching for
>> > funding to work on Caribou after the ATRC  / IDRC cut funding for my
>> > position. The feedback I received was a similar story; the potential
>> > funders seemed only interested in an applications that would serve
>> > their users who primarily use Windows. Obviously this will be an issue
>> > when searching for funding for GNOME a11y projects - especially new
>> > projects that don't have an established group of users like Caribou.

And what about turning Orca into cross-platform? I would attract funding
from different sources.


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