The meeting minutes for the April 26th GNOME Foundation board
meeting is now published.  Refer here:


Other past board meetings are archived here:


-- text of the latest minutes follows --

Minutes for Meeting of April 26th, 2011

Next Meeting

    * May 10th, 2011


    * Andreas Nilsson
    * Bastien Nocera
    * Brian Cameron
    * Germán Póo-Caamaño
    * Og Maciel
    * Paul Cutler
    * Rosanna Yuen


    * Emily Chen


Recurring Items

    * Review past action items.
    * Did each person update their action items?
    * Approve and make sure that minutes of last meeting were published
      to foundation-announce and foundation-list.
    * Make sure to use gobby server for better minute taking.

New Items

    * Advisory Board Meeting
          o Next meeting planned for Tuesday, May 3rd.
          o ACTION: Andreas - To invite Marina Zhurakhinskaya (Women's
            Outreach), Shaun McCance (upcoming OpenHelp Hackfest), and
            Dave Neary (Desktop Summit & training) to talk at the
          o ACTION: Andreas - To collect 3 bullet items from each
            speaker highlighting what they will talk about.

    * Sriram Ramkrishna raised some interesting questions about
      rhythmbox and MeeGo on April 19th.
          o Plan to raise this issue with the Intel Advisory Board

    * The two marketing contracts are signed and completed.
          o Paul recommended inviting Allan and Sumana to an upcoming
            board meeting to do a post-mortum. The board agreed.
          o ACTION: Brian - Follow up with getting Alan Day and Sumana
            Harihareswara to sign the Copyright Assessment from SFLC.

    * Brian wrote a proposal on April 14th about how to better organize
      earmarked fundraising.
          o ACTION: All board members - To review and comment Brian's
            April 14th proposal regarding better organizing earmarked

    * Improving relations with Canonical
          o Meeting now scheduled for April 27th.

Completed Actions

    * Brian - Will draft an 2012 GUADEC Call for Bids email based on
      previous ones.
    * Paul - Will put together an email to Canonical regarding working
      towards improving relations. (Cancelled per board meeting 4/12)
    * Paul - Set up a phone call with the right people at Canonical,
      the GNOME Foundation board and/or GNOME release team to discuss
      how to improve relations. (Scheduled for April 27)
    * Paul - Will work with Allan Day and Sumana Harihareswara to get
      the marketing contracts signed. (Done and forwarded to Rosanna)
    * Paul - Sent Justin credit card info for Trademark application
    * Paul - Will email John (J5) Palmieri to find out what needs to
      happen for Boston Summit 2011 planning.

Status of action items

    * Andreas - Will follow up with Andrew Savory from LiMo to see if
      relevant information from their GTK+ study can be made more
      public. (will ping again).
    * Andreas - To ask Kat if she can reach out to the mailing list about finding local German
      volunteers to help with the Desktop Summit 2011. (will ping again)
    * Andreas - Will look into the possibility of a Desktop Summit
      design where the facade is more neutral.
    * Andreas - Will blog a Desktop Summit status report.
    * Andreas - Will discuss with Ryan Lortie providing support
      contracts for GTK+.
    * Andreas - Will look into header to see if we can
      add a link to see This will help more readers to
      hopefully notice IRC meeting.
    * Bastien - Will try to find people who can consolidate the
      feedback about the Texas Instruments Zoom2 device to provide back
      to Texas Instruments.
    * Bastien - Will take over the internal review process task from
      Diego Urrelo (hopefully he can automate it).
    * Bastien - To find a way to automate the process of exporting
      results from internal review process and email it to the board.
    * Bastien - To discuss the use of badges (a-la Creative Commons, page colors, or PSN badges).
    * Bastien - To talk to Olav Vitters about using bugzilla to track
      Friends of GNOME post card sending.
    * Bastien - To get _a_ WebOS/Palm contact from Lennart Poettering.
    * Bastien - To contact the BBC to discuss about possible
      collaboration in working directly with GNOME.
    * Bastien - Will reach out to Dave Richards from the City of Largo
      to plan for a hackfest there.
    * Bastien - Reach out to the GNOME Advisory Board via email to see
      if they can help out with providing contacts at Yahoo.
    * Brian - Develop trademark usage forms for common use cases. James
      Vasile from legal is working with Brian on this.
    * Brian - Check records of organizations with existing contracts to
      use the GNOME trademark. Taken over from Vincent Untz. Look at
      the archives in 2005 and try to determine which companies can use
      the GNOME trademark. Know what kind of contracts we had with
      them. Taken over from Jorge.
    * Brian - Will follow up with the lawyers to discuss what would be
      involved to provide liability protection like what the
      Conservancy provides and to see if they have any perspective
      about whether the GNOME Foundation should allow GNOME projects to
      join Conservancy.
    * Brian - Will touch base with the GIMP organizers to find out
      their plans for the GIMP money.
    * Brian & Og - To coordinate a fund raising meeting with the
      GStreamer, a11y, GIMP, and Banshee teams. Will draft an agenda.
    * Emily - Follow by email about vote for the options for how to
      spend additional money after produced GNOME 3.0 Goodies.
    * Emily - Update Tracking ID for 112 Launch Party Packages.
      Tracking from
    * Emily - Will contact the guadec-list and gugmeisters mailing
      lists to encourage people to get involved with GUADEC 2012
    * Germán - To discuss with GNOME Hispano about them handling GNOME
      Foundation money in Euros (€).
    * Germán - To track if the new method of boletos generates more or
      less money from Brazil.
    * Germán - To have a draft Fiscal Year Budget in October for the
      board to review.
    * Germán - Will provide an updated budget for review that we'll
      plan to send to foundation-list for community review.
    * Germán - Will assist with the GNOME 3 as a Foundation goal task
      and to help in getting the GNOME 3 as a Foundation Goal survey
      topics together. (Handing over to someone else.)
    * Og - Update the blog and planet to highlight that people are
      expected to sign and follow the GNOME Code of Conduct.
          o As per Paul's recommendation, I have emailed Vincent to ask
            him what his idea is for doing this.
          o Still have not heard back from Vincent Untz.
          o Still on ToDo.
    * Og - To look into Google Checkout as an annual payment option for
          o Still on ToDo.
    * Paul - Will send an email to the foundation-list and the gnucash
      list seeking someone to take over the GnuCash automation. Taken
      over from Behdad Esfahbod.
    * Paul - To start work on next 2011 Annual Report ASAP (due start
    * Paul - Will work with Gil Forcada from and gnome-
      marketing to define the best way for organizations like
      to participate in the GNOME community. Not many replies from the
      community. Diego Urrelo will draft something more concrete for
      gnome-marketing to determine the best name and process for
      managing this. There was a discussion on the mailing list and a
      few good ideas, Diego will wrap them up and send them again for
      further comments.
    * Paul - Will follow-up with Board to read the Advisory Board fees
      for small businesses proposal, ask for feedback and set a date to
      vote by.
    * Paul - To finish the Privacy Policy, get review from James
      Vasile, etc.
    * Paul - To review Justin's email about updating trademark
      agreements and email the marketing team for feedback.
    * Rosanna - Will apply for the GNOME credit card.
    * Rosanna - Automate the process of entering PayPal information
      into GnuCash.

New Action Items

    * Andreas - To invite Marina Zhurakhinskaya (Women's Outreach),
      Shaun McCance (upcoming OpenHelp Hackfest), and Dave Neary
      (Desktop Summit & training) to talk at the meeting.
    * Andreas - To collect 3 bullet items from each speaker
      highlighting what they will talk about.
    * Brian - Follow up with getting Alan Day and Sumana Harihareswara
      to sign the Copyright Assessment from SFLC.
    * All board members - To review and comment Brian's April 14th
      proposal regarding better organizing earmarked fundraising.

Discussed on the mailing list

    * Ongoing discussion about hiring an ED.

    * Events/Meetings
          o Emily has been leading a discussion about setting up an
            Event Planning Committee to oversee better and more
            organized event planning.
          o Upcoming Hackfests (a11y, OpenHelp2011)
          o Planning for the GNOME Foundation IRC meeting on April 20th.
          o Discussion about the GUADEC Call-For-Hosts 2012. Brian sent
            the call, and Emily is planning to encourage more
            discussion on guadec-list.
          o GNOME.Asia Summit follow-up, including handling travel
          o Handing expenses for the UserHelp2011 (March 17-22, 2011)
          o Planning for FISL (Fórum Internacional Software Livre) -
            June 29 to July 2, 2011

    * Accessibility
          o Alejandro Leiva provided The GNOME Foundation with a signed
            contract by Emergya for GNOME a11y contract work.

    * Women's Outreach
          o Marina Zhurakhinskaya informed the board that there were
            many strong applications for the GNOME Outreach Program for
            Women internships. There is not enough funding for them
            all. Discussion about how to possibly raise additional
            funds to include additional women in the program.

    * Financial
          o Working towards transferring LGM's funds to the LGM
            account. Currently waiting on LGM to provide needed
          o Discussion about how to improve GNOME fundraising.

    * SysAdmin
          o The board approved purchasing a CM4008 console server for
            $348 to provide a replacement for the one Jeff Schroeder
            reported had recently died.

    * Legal
          o Justin Colannino let the board know that the GNOME
            trademark application was filed with the USPTO and said
            that it should take about 3 months for a response.

    * Miscellaneous
          o Alberto Ruiz asked The GNOME Foundation to provide a
            reference of his work for GNOME, which was provided.
          o Discussion about how The GNOME Foundation could better
            promote projects working towards providing better free
            software OpenGL driver support, like Project Nouveau.
          o Stormy shared a link about how Mozilla uses CRM for
foundation-list mailing list

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