On Wed, 2011-05-25 at 11:10 -0700, Andy Tai wrote:
> As Fedora is the only current GNU/Linux distribution adapting GNOME
> 3.0 as the default desktop, how would you facilitate to make GNOME
> technologies to work well (meaning minimal local patching needed) on
> other GNU/Linux distributions like Debian, and such distributions
> which may work on components competing with certain parts of GNOME,
> such as Ubuntu?  And how would you facilitate to make GNOME 3 run well
> on other free OS environments, especially the BSD based ones, like
> OpenBSD and FreeBSD?

Don't forget OpenSuse. It is just a matter of time for everybody else.

> And how would you facilitate collaborations with Ubuntu, especially,
> despite the different viewpoints of developers on issues like GNOME
> Shell vs. Unity?

The collaboration could happen in the platform, Unity is a consumer of
our stack (as Sugar or MeeGo).

I agree with Stormy that relationships are built by spending time
together, also by acknowledgement of our weaknesses and strengths, and
communicating better our stance with respect to the future of our

Germán Póo-Caamaño

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