On 08/03/2011 02:24 PM, Germán Póo-Caamaño wrote:
> On Wed, 2011-08-03 at 13:45 +0800, Frederic Muller wrote:
>> Ping?
>> would bring a lot more transparency and compliance to the GNOME Foundation.
>> So can someone "in the know" point me to the right place or will answer
>> my question?
> As I said previously, in the short term we will be able to add that
> information to the budget.

Why is it difficult to just give a rough number at end of our financial
period ('09 or '10) and be done with it for now?

The GNOME Foundation obviously hasn't complied to state laws for years
(by not making the required form available to the public) and you seem
to enjoy not answering foundation members as well. What about the
statement on our financial page:
"For comments or questions on the data, please contact the GNOME
Foundation Board of Directors. "

I really feel there is an attitude problem with transparency and I am
sadden to see that you're reluctant to be transparent. I am therefore
requesting to the GNOME Foundation board to address this issue as soon
as possible and be in compliance with state and government regulation ASAP.

Now Google being my friend I found the 2009 Form 990 on guidestar.org
(you'll need to register to download it) and for those of us who are
interesting in the amount declared:
Line "end of year (2009) - Net assets or fund balances" reads:

If you add the U$252,099 profit from 2009-2010 and deduct the expected
loss of U$105,595 for 2010-2011 we should reach a balance of
approximately U$451,338 by end of September.

Thank you!

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