Just beautiful. Thank you so much to both of you!


2012/2/16 Andrea Veri <a...@gnome.org>

> As a follow-up of [1]:
> It's an honour for me to announce that the Foundation's website has
> been completely migrated to gnome.org. We've been working on this for
> a few months now, but the result is simply awesome.
> That said, I would like to thank Vinicius DePizzol (vdepizzol) for all
> his work and contributions to make this happen. His devotion and
> willingness to contribute to the GNOME Foundation are amazing and
> working with him during all these months has been a pleasure for me,
> he's a superb contributor and most of all a great guy.
> The new Foundation's website can be reached at the following link:
> http://www.gnome.org/foundation
> while the new voting area is now available at:
> http://vote.gnome.org
> Please report any broken link or error to <membership-commit...@gnome.org>
> or by opening a bugzilla ticket against the website product. [2]
> cheers,
> Andrea
> P.S redirects are working properly, so http://foundation.gnome.org
> will now take to the brand new website.
> P.P.S the quarterly reports have been migrated already, we just miss a
> little template to put them under, due to be ready really soon.
> [1]
> https://mail.gnome.org/archives/foundation-list/2012-February/msg00013.html
> [2] https://bugzilla.gnome.org/browse.cgi?product=website
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