Hey Brian,

2012/12/5 Brian Cameron <brian.came...@oracle.com>

> That said, how do we really expect to make much progress when efforts
> to meet in person are not matched with efforts to organize planning on
> appropriate cross-desktop forums, like mailing lists on FreeDesktop.org?
> In other words, I just expect more planning and discussion about events
> like this at FreeDesktop directly.  It would be more likely that other
> appropriate forums would not be overlooked if there were more central
> discussion and planning.
> In my opinion, our efforts to rejuvinate collaborate activitiy also
> should focus on helping to revive and energize discussion on forums
> like these.

The FOSDEM devroom has always been organized like that, ie with me taking
care of the organization for GNOME, and doing it on GNOME mailing list.
Over the years we evolved from a GNOME-only devroom to a joint devroom with
KDE, to a devroom where we try to gather as many DEs as possible.
I'm not sure doing part of the devroom organization on a freedesktop
mailing list would help a lot as we need to make sure the call for talks
goes to the right communities rather than expecting people to watch
freedesktop mailing lists.
What kind of planning would you have expected to see on freedesktop MLs?
Would you have liked to be involved in the organization and feel you cannot
do it the way it has been done?

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