
= Minutes for Meeting of July 9th, 2013, 16:00 UTC =
== Next Meeting ==
 * Tuesday, July 23rd, 2013, 16:00 UTC

== Attending ==
 * Rosanna Yuen
 * Andreas Nilsson
 * Joanmarie Diggs
 * Tobias Mueller
 * Karen Sandler
 * Shaun !McCance
 * Ekaterina Gerasimova
 * Marina Zhurakhinskaya
 * Sriram Ramkrishna
 * Emmanuele Bassi
 * Bastien Nocera

=== Missing ===
 * Seif Lotfy

== Board Meeting Agenda ==
 * GUADEC 2013
  * Update on GUADEC 2013
   * We are currently slightly in the red for the event
   * But everything is getting into its place
   * We're missing a fourth keynote
    * All teams are going to be pretty busy for giving out a keynote
    * A proposal is to have the Board do a panel
    * Possibly after the AGM so we can incorporate feedback from the AGM
     * In 2012 we didn't have time for feedback during the AGM
     * The AGM is also used for the team reports
     * We should prepare some slides and notes
     * '''ACTION''': Andreas to prepare some slides and notes for a
board panel at GUADEC
   * Karen is going to send to Joanie details for networking events at GUADEC
   * Board and Adboard meetings at GUADEC
    * Board meeting: July 31, 10am until we drop from exhaustion
    * Adboard meeting: August 5, 10am to 6pm
    * '''ACTION''': Karen to send to adboard-list the date and time
for the advisory board meeting
    * Should we invite Katie from Zareason to attend the adboard meeting?
     * She could take about what is she looking for from GNOME
     * Facilitate discussion with our adboard members
     * '''ACTION''': Karen to propose to Katie from Zareason to join
the adboard meeting

 * Call for GUADEC 2015 bids
  * Call for bids is ready to go live
  * '''ACTION''': Karen to publish the call for bids for GUADEC 2015

 * Montreal Summit
  * We have a confirmed venue: Savoire-Faire offices in Montreal
  * We should announce the summit soon

 * Hardware donation announcement.
  * The GNOME Foundation recieved hardware donations in the form of 6
Chromebooks from Intel and a individual donor.
   * We have a whole set of press releases, so if we announce it now
it would get lost

 * Annual Report update
  * '''ACTION''': Andreas to contact the GUADEC local team to check if
we can print the annual report in Brno
  * How many copies should we print?
   * Not many took a copy in 2012
   * But we only had only two at the AGM
   * ~30 copies could be a good number
   * Depends on how many copies we can distribute and/or take back with us
   * Continue the discussion on the mailing list

 * Travel Committee, Delegation, Budgets, etc.
  * We should use the Montreal summit as a testbed for the changes in
the travel committee policies

 * Collecting funds in Europe update
  * Tobi and Karen need to draft a potential deal to propose

 * Sysadmin and CiviCRM update
  * CiviCRM to be discussed at the board meeting at GUADEC

 * Possible trademark violation to assess.
   * Another software project is using the name GNOME
   * The software is from an academic institution
   * It's a software of general interest
   * It could be a trademark violation
   * We don't want to be aggressive with it
   * But we may have to send a letter to protect the trademark against
abuse in the future
   * '''VOTE''': Should Karen draft and send a letter for the GNOME
trademark violation: unanimous
   * '''ACTION''': Karen to draft and send a letter to inform the
Stevens Institute of Technology of the GNOME trademark violation

== Discussed on the mailing list ==
 * GNOME bugzilla is being harvested by google groups
  * a user is forwarding all bugmail to a Google group
 * draft call for GUADEC 2015 bids
 * OPW contracts
 * Sending merchanice for the openSUSE Conference for a community
volunteer to sell.

== Completed Actions ==
 * Kat will take a picture of a donated laptop
 * Karen will publish the announcement of the donated hardware

== New Action Items ==
 * Andreas to prepare some slides and notes for a board panel at GUADEC
 * Karen to send to adboard-list the date and time for the advisory
board meeting
 * Karen to propose to Katie from Zareason to join the adboard meeting
 * Andreas to contact the GUADEC local team to check if we can print
the annual report in Brno
 * Karen to draft and send a letter to inform the Stevens Institute of
Technology of the GNOME trademark violation

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