On Tue, 2013-07-23 at 19:49 +0100, Ekaterina Gerasimova wrote:
> [...]
> On Tue, Jul 23, 2013 at 10:48:32AM -0700, Germán Póo-Caamaño wrote:
> >I wonder what are the odds of getting the venue for free.  It seems the
> >venue could make the difference between having some profit, no profit or
> >a major loss.
> The venues are negotiated with each college or department. Whether we 
> can negotiate for a free venue will very much depend on the attendee 
> numbers and which venue we want. The higher the expected number of 
> attendees, the fewer choices we will have as Oxford is a college 
> university with few students per year, so there are few large lecture 
> halls. On the plus side, with GUADEC attendance falling in recent 
> years[1], we are likely to have more options.
> Even if we have to pay the maximum for the venue, the spending is on a 
> par with recent years. The bigger question is whether we will be able to 
> get the same amount of sponsorship as we normally do[2], which still 
> remains to be seen. (I am assuming that it will be similar to this year 
> for the budget.) I think that we will be better placed to assess whether 
> paying for the venue is a viable option after GUADEC this year and if it 
> is not, then I expect the bid to be rejected. We will try our best to 
> acquire a venue for free or to negotiate a discount.

IIRC, we have paid €40,000 as maximum (~£34,500).  If you also make the
match for travel sponsorships, that would be £25,800.  Combined, that
would lower the proposal costs in about £10,000.

In addition, you can make the sponsorship dependant of the venue costs.
It is not the ideal, but tighten our belts could be an option.

Thanks for the updates.

Germán Poo-Caamaño

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