On Thu, 2013-08-15 at 11:42 +0200, Alexandre Franke wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 15, 2013 at 11:34 AM, Alberto Ruiz <ar...@gnome.org> wrote:
> > Why did I choose github? Because that's where everybody is these days.
> > Because we have nothing to lose by mirroring our repos there and we
> > have a lot to gain.
> You're entitled to your opinion but you must be aware that some people
> disagree. Actually, is there a way for maintainers that don't want to
> have their module on Github to opt out of this mirroring process?
While I too am surprised that GNOME didn't choose to mirror on gitorious
first, I don't think it's inherently bad that they're mirroring on
github as long as it's just used for mirroring. You can think of it as
another way/place to spread Free Software.

My question: can't we *also* mirror on gitorious? In addition, if
git.gnome.org really dies, can at least have a trusted second copy ?


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