
Am Thu, 15 Aug 2013 12:24:21 +0200
schrieb Alberto Ruiz <ar...@gnome.org>:
> 2013/8/15 Christian Persch <c...@gnome.org>:
> > Also, I'd like to question when and how it was decided to give this
> > github mirror 'official' status?
> The fact that the hook is installed in the repos makes it official. It
> was my call, not GitHub's. So blame me.
> > I see from the board meeting minutes
> > of 9.7.2013 that the foundation is sending a trademark complaint
> > letter to an academic institution because they're (completely
> > legitimately IMO) abbreviating "General NOAA Operational Modeling
> > Environment" with "GNOME"; but OTOH we're allowing a proprietary
> > web service to use the trademark as the "GNOME Official Github
> > Mirror" ‽
> Github is not using the trademark, I am.

That's a distinction without difference. The point remains that the
GNOME trademark is used to promote a proprietary web service.
Coupled with the word "Official" this even constitutes a strong

I've received word that the board will consider this question, so let's
leave it at that until then.

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