
all the servers rebooted successfully except two machines (seems they are
stuck at "Rebooting machine") that are actually going to be power-cycled as
soon as the on-site personnel will phisically reach the machines given that
(unfortunately) the PDUs for the two machines appear to be non-responsive
to our logins. (a ticket has been opened to have this fixed asap as well)

The machines affected are:

1. bugzilla
2. clipboard (ns-master.gnome.org and ldap.gnome.org, all the DNS requests
are currently being served by our slave while SSSD is luckily caching all
the logins to git.gnome.org, you might be experiecing slow git pushes
though given sssd tries to ping ldap.gnome.org anyway)

We'll be making sure that the machines will be power cycled as soon as
possible to restore all the services.

Thanks for your patience and as always keep an eye on [1].

[1] https://status.gnome.org

2013/10/16 Andrea Veri <a...@gnome.org>

> Hi,
> we'll be performing a mass reboot of all our machines this upcoming sunday
> to apply all the kernel and security updates. All the services will be
> affected for a few minutes until the machines reboot, please stay tuned for
> more updates from the Sysadmin Team and most of all keep an eye at [1],
> we'll make sure to update it as things move forward.
> Have an awesome day,
> [1] https://status.gnome.org
> --
> Cheers,
> Andrea
> Debian Developer,
> Fedora / EPEL packager,
> GNOME Sysadmin,
> GNOME Foundation Membership & Elections Committee Chairman
> Homepage: http://www.gnome.org/~av



Debian Developer,
Fedora / EPEL packager,
GNOME Sysadmin,
GNOME Foundation Membership & Elections Committee Chairman

Homepage: http://www.gnome.org/~av
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