
it's time for yet another round of updates from the GNOME Sysadmin Team.
This time it's not about future maintenances or outages but about our
completely new mirroring service.

As you may have been aware of GNOME has a lot of mirrors around the world
but we never took advantage of them and kept using our main mirror kindly
served by the Academic Computer Club of the Umea University.
(ftp.acc.umu.sebeing a CNAME to

Many mirrors contacted me and the team in the past asking if keeping their
mirror around was worth the disk space they were using for our project
given the very low amount of downloads they were receiving. (that was
expected given was a plain redirect to,
and thus to

I personally always answered yes, it was worth keeping the GNOME code
synced in as much places in the world as possible but at the same time I
felt that we needed a proper mirroring infrastructure to properly serve the
downloads through all the mirrors that decided to provide disk space and
bandwitdh to support our project.

Looking around and thanks to an Olav Vitter's review we decided to move
forward and setup a Mirrorbrain [1] istance. You can read more about its
features at [2].

After a few days spent making the EPEL packages (Thanks Patrick for the
work you put on reviewing and accepting them!), configuring and tweaking,
our istance is finally live at [3]. As you will see we have plenty of
mirrors based in EU and just one in the US and Asia. I'll be contacting a
few mirrors in those zones and eventually welcome them as new GNOME mirrors
so we can have our downloads served in the fastest way possible even in
remote regions like Australia, Asia and the US itself. (if anyone knows
someone interested in mirroring GNOME sources, please redirect the request

Gving a look at a new indexing table we've introduced on the file indexes
of our main mirror can be a good way to get started to how Mirrorbrain
works behind the scenes. [4] Obviously all the links that existed before
Mirrorbrain are still working just fine but the great difference are them
now being served through Mirrorbrain (which then redirects the user to the
closest mirror through mod_geoip) itself and SSL. Another good way of
testing the whole setup out is by using curl, this way: 'curl -iS


Owncloud release 6

The other update I wanted to report is our Owncloud istance [5] being
upgraded to the very latest release being Owncloud 6. As usual please
redirect account requests to me or to directly as
explained at [6].




Debian Developer,
Fedora / EPEL packager,
GNOME Sysadmin,
GNOME Foundation Membership & Elections Committee Chairman

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