Some of you may have received spam purporting to be from me from a company
called "Frank & Oak" in the last week. Please ignore or click "Unsubscribe"
in the footer to stop the messages. I apologize profusely for the
inconvenience, and am doing what I can to halt the spam.

You can quit reading right now if you have important things to do, but in
case you're interested, I'll tell you the sordid story of how it

   1. Once upon a time, I had to use my son's laptop for a web meeting, as
   the webcam on my other laptop is not working.
   2. That very afternoon, my son happily searched for Christmas gifts
   online from this same computer.
   3. A horrible website asked him for access to his contacts in order to
   offer him the opportunity to shop with a discount.
   4. Thinking that his own Google Plus account was active, knowing that he
   rarely uses Gmail and only has a few contacts, he agreed to share them
   through G+.
   5. As I had just used his laptop and had signed in to Gmail, it was MY
   ACCOUNT that was accessed, rather than his own. Too late, he noticed the
   mistake, but the spamming ensued.
   6. All the usual maternal thoughts went through my mind, like, "I raised
   him to know better!" and, "What did I do to deserve this?" and mostly,
   "Thank God I can blame this all on him!!"
   7. My son has been duly reprimanded and instructed never to allow access
   to his contacts list, but...
   8. I also realized the awful truth. It was my own fault. I left my
   Google account open on his computer. I could have logged out, and from now
   on, I will.

We are both extremely sorry.

One good thing has come out of all of this, though. I do get the
opportunity to wish you all a very, very HAPPY HOLIDAY!

And all the best for the New Year-

Christy Eller
foundation-list mailing list

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