On Sat, May 17, 2014 at 4:14 PM, Karen Sandler <ka...@gnome.org> wrote:
> Affiliation: Software Freedom Conservancy. I'm also pro bono General Counsel
> of QuestionCopyright.Org, and an advisor of The Ada Initiative and sometimes
> help other orgs (like the FSF) on legal and other free software related
> matters.

> As promised when I left the position of Executive Director, I'd like to
> throw my hat in the ring for the Board of Directors. I think I can help
> bring continuity to the board (Stormy was incredibly helpful on the board
> when I started as ED). Also, as a lawyer I sometimes have an additionally
> useful perspective. I'm still doing volunteer work for GNOME both as pro
> bono counsel and as a volunteer on nonlegal matters for GNOME. I've been
> helping with fundraising, collecting on outstanding invoices and generally
> wherever I can.
You are a very busy person with many responsibilities, if you get
elected to the Board do you feel confident that you can spend the
necessary time on Board work?

-mvh Oliver Propst
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